History. Starting from an ordinary life
Evangelos Diavolitsis means “Angel-Devil”
From a young age, I was baffled by our human existence and struggled to find meaning in a seemingly difficult world. Blessed with a Greek philosophical mind, a polite Canadian upbringing and a longing for the pleasures of life, I was propelled into an early life of hard knocks and extremes (mostly self-induced).
In 1998, having experienced the crash of quick fame and fortune, I found myself in a spiritual crisis. While traveling around the world, my quest to find a community of conscious beings landed me in places like Japan and Thailand. I sometimes refer to myself as the accidental yogi.
I was introduced to beings that radiated tranquility and mastery over themselves and I was determined to learn from them how to live in a state of grace on a daily basis. I discovered a precious gift. The Dharma! These wonderful teachings have shaped my life and contributed to deep and profound peace on this path of never-ending mystery.
There is a subtle life force that exists in all of us and is always accessible when we train to live in the present moment. Thanks to the continuous study of awakening and the on-going commitment of my Dharma teachers, Qapel and Catherine Sensei of Planet Dharma, I have learned to embody a life worth living: a life of joy, clarity, spaciousness and service.
As a result of a diversity of studies and explorations, I offer teachings that can support anyone (unless you are stubborn) to disentangle from incessant struggles and obsessions. Along with my partner and others, I teach a multi-disciplinary approach to liberation through four pathways: Money, Movement, Mindfulness and Mystery.
I am the founder of Four Ways to Freedom, Meditation Moves, Money Evolution, Dharma in Motion and the Calgary Dharma Hub. I was certified under 5Rhythm’s founder, Gabrielle Roth’s tutelage and have been teaching mindful movement since 2003. I am forever grateful to my mentor, friend and colleague, founder of the Money Coaching Institute, Deborah Price. Nishta and I have over fifty years of combined practice and have studied with a diverse range of spiritual teachers who are trained in authentic dharma teaching lineages. (learn about our root lineage)
I am described as a compassionate, fun loving and forthright Dharma and meditation teacher, coach and movement workshop leader committed to helping people let go of who they think they need to be and embrace who they believe they could never be: free of all illusory concepts. When I am not studying, I am most likely meandering like Pinocchio through the worlds of art, poetry, music and nature.
Herstory. Awakening Transformation
Nishta it means “Trust” (Maria Matarese)
One of my favourite things to do as a kid was to sleep out on a trampoline under a clear Texan sky. The brilliance of the stars, the expanse of the sky mesmerised me. One night, after gazing up for an extended time, the light and illumination of those stars travelled straight down into my 10 year old body. The sky had entered me and “I” was without boundaries and confusion. I remember only the peace.
I had no words for the unity of that moment. I later came to understand that experience and the ones that came thereafter as no-mind encounters. I have always had a keen, analytical mind, observant and curious. What was this Voodoo, Italian-Christian, Native American life I had been handed? Deeper questions of my purpose and desire for living a meaningful life of service led me to years of study in psychology, mysticism and the moving body as a way of knowing self.
By 30, I was immersed in a 4th way mystery school called the Diamond Approach. I found meditation, inquiry and awareness through action a support that grounded my being in the present moment. Simultaneously, the teachings of Osho, Argentine Tango and Yoga offered me a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of body, mind, spirit and community.
Transformation is what keeps me curious and what interests me most about working with others. This process of being human IS the process of waking up. Experiencing everything in its totality is the precious gift of being alive.
My teaching style is heartfelt, humorous, clear and transformative. I work with people to cultivate their highest conscious creative compassionate potential therefore spreading like wildfire to others. I use movement, mindfulness and matters of the heart as a ground for exploration into deeper states of being.
I work alongside my partner to model healthy dynamic honest relationships. I am dedicated to my own personal awakening and support communities that are also passionate about a paradigm shift.
I am a transformational coach, founding member at FWTF and a certified Open Floor International teacher. I am a regular guest teacher at the Mandali Foundation Retreat center. I co-founded Conscious Dance Italy, a resource, education and production association for the Italian dancers. On most days, I can be lost or found in the hillsides of Tuscany.